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Consulting for more than 30 years

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Welcome to

Roth & Kollegen Steuerberatungs­gesellschaft


As a tax consultancy based in Nordhorn, we are involved both regionally and nationally. Our clients are entrepreneurs, self-employed and freelancers from the fields of commerce, trade and services, whose workload we can significantly reduce. With our experience and expertise our clients can concentrate on their business more efficiently. In addition to that, we guide private individuals on tax-related matters and advise those starting up new businesses on their way to self-employment. We know that every person’s and every business’ tax situation is different and has different needs. We take pride in the fact that we meet those needs individually with openness and trust.

Founded more than three decades ago, we have been able to develop together with our clients continuously. We have purposely used our vast experience to shape the digital transformation of our tax consultancy. Today, Roth & Kollegen are digital tax advisors who successfully combine the personal interaction with the benefits of efficient software. We encourage digital collaboration to create greater security and transparency.


Consulting services

Tax advice

For us, tax advice is linked to a genuine interest in our clients, whose needs we place at the forefront. Tax advice, as we understand it, is personal, individual, and trustworthy. Whether you run a company, are self-employed, have private tax issues, or work as a freelancer, we support you as tax consultants in the way that suits you.

Financial accounting

Financial accounting, or “FA” for short, is mandatory for many companies and the self-employed. Simply explained, it documents all income and expenses. However, financial accounting is rarely seen as “simple” and requires detailed compliance with legal principles. Roth &  Kollegen can help you maintain your business and personal goals while achieving full reporting compliance. The following applies: Modern financial accounting is digital financial accounting. With the ADDISON OneClick software, we have the right solution for you.

Business consulting

Being experienced tax consultants, more precisely, your tax advisors, puts us in a special position to be able to advise you about business management excellently. Why is that? We know your facts and figures, and we are familiar with your company. At the same time, we have a professional view from the outside. We would be happy to provide you with our experience, know-how, and personal commitment and to support you in your business decisions.

Financial statements

Financial statements such as annual accounts are of great importance. The annual accounts perform two important tasks: They provide information on the economic situation of a company and form the basis for calculating the distribution of the result. Every financial statement not only requires, it also deserves the dedicated attention of expert tax advisors who understand their profession. We dedicate ourselves to your financial statements, giving you a great deal of security. As your tax consultancy, Roth & Kollegen prepares commercial and tax balance sheets, enables you in discussion with your primary bank, and take part ourselves, too. We are your reliable contact partners.

Payroll accounting

Payroll accounting is an important part of a company’s accounting. Frequent changes in laws and regulations make payroll accounting complex, even for small and medium-sized enterprises. Companies hand payroll accounting over to experienced tax consultants to save time and effort. We take over the handling of payroll accounting and offer a comprehensive service with digital solutions.

Business start-ups

We consider it very important to support business start-ups. We believe in the ideas and goals of the founders of the businesses, they are always the top priority. Respectful, open-minded, and reliable, we help with the successful start of a business, offer tax advice and support the development of a concept. We are happy to be available as contact partners, to contribute our experience and expertise.

We are a digital tax consultancy

Digitization is forging ahead, even in accounting. We use the modern software solution ADDISON OneClick, which enables us to collaborate digitally with our clients.

Collaboration 4.0 with ADDISON OneClick

ADDISON OneClick shapes the digital collaboration between tax advisors and clients. 


High efficiency

ADDISON OneClick makes exchanges between you and us easier, faster and more transparent. This makes your life easier. 

Available at any time

Less paperwork, clearer overview. You can retrieve your facts and figure at any time, even when you’re out and about.  


Roth & Kollegen
Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH

Döppers Esch 1-3
D-48531 Nordhorn

Phone: +49 05921 30287 00